Coming back to the old standards ... quite annoying, but also funny … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Coming back to the old standards ... quite annoying, but also funny … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

I was reading the news regarding the increase of the energy price ... and i was smiling.

I stoped reading the news by already few years ... but i payed a little bit of attention to this subject.

Don’t even know who is the prime minister from my country ... but after receiving an email from the electricity company ... l’ve called them to ask if it is a joke ... or the email is real.

Could not believe that actually the new price is 3 times more expensive ... and even if i heard people complaining about that ... i ignored the news.

But you see ... that is the new reality and that is going to be the new standard price of kw.

It’s ok!

Of course i have the right to complain about that ... but it will be useless.

I am mature enough to understand that my complains ... will


not change anything and only adapting to the situation is the real solution.

I heard all kinds of discussions about people that will not be able to pay their energy bills and suddenly i remember that when i was a kid, in the communist times we used to stay at 16 celsius degrees at home ... and we’ve survived.

We were not complaining ... and if we felt it is too cold we took another jacket.

So ... bottom line ... i smile and i realize that people that will not be able to pay those huge energy invoices ... and there will be people all around the world in this position ... they will need to ... readapt to the old standards.

In my country those standards were removed at the end of 1989.

Probably in England ... people stoped seeing as a standard to stay in the winter time at home at that temperature ... maybe 100 years ago.

But now ... even if i am smiling writing that ... this might be the real solution ... readapt to the old standards.

I know a guy that had a Rolls-Royce and was the richest guy from his area.

He own supermarkets and lots of other businesses.

He even own a football team ... but one day he was arrested and went to jail.

And you see ... in there .... he was adapting to the situation and he was cleaning floors.

Imagine to have the chance of being the richest guy from


your area ... own a Rolls with driver and then the next day to clean floors and toilets.

Imagine the contradictory emotions that guy had in his soul.

Maybe indeed he was a bad guy and needed to go to jail ... but still he is a soul ... same as all of us.

Someone i know ... was visiting the prison with a religious mission and saw him ... while he was making the cleaning job.

He told me his story ... in fact the other side of the story ... and i realized that the guy is a motivational character.

You see ... motivational materials are telling us the story of the journey from cleaning floors to having your own Rolls with driver ... but i did not saw the reverse story.

No one tells us how we should adapt to worst case scenarios ... cause they are real ... and might happen too.

And the solution is not to complain ... or cry ... or even get suicide .... but to know how to adapt to any scenario life has to offer.

We should see it ... as an important episode ... and an amazing life lesson.

That should motivation teach us ... and we should be ready for anything would happen in life ... without having any feeling of being indignant.

I know that would be difficult to tell my kids that in the winter time we will need fo stay home at 16 celsius degrees ... and it will be difficult for anyone from the world to do that ... but going back in the past ... to the old standards ... it will be fun.


Smile to anything happens in life ... and just try to adapt to any life scenario.

The Universe knows better why it happens.

Indeed you have the right to be indignant ... but also the duty to adapt yourself to any situation.

So ... coming back to the huge increase of energy prices ... i only smile to this illusory problem ... cause i recently watched at some documentaries about how homo sapiens was living an eternity ago ... and i believe they survived in the winter times ... cause we survived as a specie.

The new test of our times ... comparing with the prehistorical times ... is ridiculous.

We just can’t compare them.

So ... i actually laugh at all those people around me that are feeling indignant and forgot the old standards from 30 years ago.

I should probably tell them the story of the rich guy .. owning a Rolls ...that was cleaning floors today ... and ask them to analyze and define the balance of contradictory emotions from the soul of a person that was feeling he is a price and became over night a pauper.


Download the book ”The dance of our emotions is a ... nonsense ... but a main part of our lives” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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